Online forums are platforms where people can connect with each other based on shared interests.
Interests can range from hobbies to jobs.
There are some online forums that people use for professional purposes while there are some that are used for personal reasons.
Some common types of forum include; message boards, web forums, and online chat boards.
People usually post on the forum to share their opinion about a topic or post a question they want answered about a topic.
There is usually no moderation on these types of forums therefore it is important to be careful when posting so you don’t offend anyone else who is reading the forum.
Posts usually have an author name at the beginning of them so you can identify who posted them if there was any confusion about it.
The goal of
A forum is a web-based system that allows the creation of virtual communities. Forums are very similar to chat, but are more structured and have some degree of moderation.
Chats are generally informal conversations on a topic, while forums are more structured conversations with topics that have specific rules on what can or can’t be said in the thread.
Forums provide an opportunity for users to ask questions on topics they’re interested in, get professional advice from other users who may have experience in their field, and share their knowledge with other members of the community.